"My goal in life is to become as wonderful as my dog thinks I am."
~Toby & Eileen Green
My dog, Elise felt the cats were getting to much attention on
my blog and said that she wanted her own day in the sun each week too.
So here you go; 'Dogs On Thursday' is for all you dog lovers.
Sharing photo's and stories each week about our beloved dogs.

To Join please email me at spiden(at)springnet1(dot)com with your name, email address and blog url.
(and please put 'Dogs on Thursday' in the subject box so I don't think you are spam and feed you to the dog)
I will put your name and link on the sidebar blog roll.
Eventually I will have Mr. Linky set up too
So that will help with each week a quick list of who is participating that week.
Please steal the button on the sidebar and hopefully soon we will have more buttons to choose from.
(If you are one of those talented people that know how to make buttons please email me it to me and I will gladly add it/ them to the sidebar.)
So now, each Thursday please make a post about your Dog on your own blog site then visit this blog site for fun information, maybe a contest or two, quick wits, etc...
add you name to the Mr. Linky (when it is set up, until then just leave a quick note in the comments that you are participating that week.)
Then have fun visiting each other's 'Dogs on Thursdays' posts.
Update: Here is the Mr. Linky blog roll box.I will post this on each weeks post.
Just sign into it each week and it will list everyone's links that are participating in the fun.
Mr. Linky is a free service and the Dogs on Thursday site is in their list so you can sign up and get the codes for your own blog too if you want.