Welcome welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!
~Hope everyone is safe and sound. The weather has been cooling off and I know my dogs are loving it. So, I hope everyone can get out and enjoy the changing weather with your pups. We have a couple things this week but first please pray for Paula and her family this week. She has a couple things going on and could use some prayers.
~Also remember that the DoT Bloggerversary Contest ending date was extended from September 15 to October 15th. So, get your submissions together! I know I can't wait to see what people have come up with!
~The Fall Dogs Costume Contest! (Here is a link to last years Fall Costume Parade) Don't forget to grab a button for your blog and search out the perfect costume for your pups!The guidelines are the following.
If you are interested in participating please email Paula a picture of your furbaby in a costume or some fall related gear.
The deadline for pictures to be emailed to me is midnight on October 28th.
I will post the Dogs Costume Parade on October 30th.
There are two categories this year for prizes.
1.) Creativeness in theme.
2.) Inventiveness in costume.
I've been planning my costume's since last year, so I hope we can have a good Parade this year!
~ Nichole did a review on Pure Mutt on her blog. If you haven't already, you should go check it out. Also, please go check out her awesome etsy shop. A friend sent me a gift she had purchased from her shop and I love it! She sells some very pretty stitch markers and notions.
~One of our fellow DOT members, Cheryl V did a great tutorial on planning for your pet in a disaster.
Hope everyone is enjoying the coming of Fall and the beautiful colors and weather it brings. If you have any questions or need anything please feel free to email Paula or me.
Happy Dogs on Thursday!
Please note:
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dogs on Thursday! Falling temperature!
Barked by
Natalie Rush
Labels: bloggerversary contest, dogs on thursday, fall costume contest
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Dogs On Thursday
Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday.
~Please welcome Claudie to our group and go give her a bark!
~There is a new pet food recall out there. These are always scary so go check out this Site to see the list of brands that are being recalled for possible salmonella poisoning.
~I hope those that were in the wake of hurricane Ike are okay. That was a very bad hurricane!
Lots of distruction in the Texas and in the gulf, plus the after storms that ran from Texas to Maine! Please email us and let us know you are okay and if there is anything we can do to help.
~Don't forget that the DoT Bloggerversary Contest ending date was extended from September 15 to October 15th.
~The Fall Dogs Costume Contest! (Here is a link to last years Fall Costume Parade) Here is a shiny new button for this year!
It was just to much fun last year not to repeat it again this year.
If you are interested in participating please email me a picture of your furbaby in a costume or some fall related gear.
The deadline for pictures to be emailed to me is midnight on October 28th.
I will post the Dogs Costume Parade on October 30th.
There are two categories this year for prizes.
1.) Creativeness in theme.
2.) Inventiveness in costume.
~Here is a picture to distract you from how quick this post is!
(I do not know this dog it is a picture from corbis)
Barked by
Labels: bloggerversary contest, fall costume parade, pet food recalls.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Dogs on Thursday
Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday!~First off:
Ike is looking very nasty out there in the Gulf it tore though Cuba and the bottom bits of Florida. Those DoT members in it's path and those members that were affected by the past two hurricanes this past two weeks, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Our concerns go out to you and if you need anything please contact me or Natalie. ~Here are a few more good sites to check out:
Hurricane Pets Rescue
Weather Underground Storm Tracker
ASPCA Storm Stuff
United Humane Society
Red Cross
And, if anyone has any extra snuggles, sheets, blankets, toys and treats that they want to donate to the pets (both dogs and cats) affected by the hurricanes please contact me or Natalie. We are going to send more of these items of need to this rescue shelter or instead of sending them to me or Nat you can donate them yourself to your own favorite shelter if you would like.
~By the way September is National Preparedness Month, (gee, imagine that?) anyway here is another great place (a different one from last weeks) to go to learn ways to help you and your pets prepare a kit for disasters. This is good for hurricanes, tornado's, earth quakes and most any other disasters.
Also here is a good place to check out for making your own kit for humans.
~For those interested in participating in the DoT Bloggerversary Contest it has been extended until October 15th! That is one whole month longer to get creative! ~I have had a few emails asking if we are going to have another Fall Dogs Costume Contest?
The answer is Yes we are! It was to much fun last year not to repeat it this year and for those that are interested in participating, the deadline for pictures to be emailed to me is midnight on October 28th and I will post the Dogs Costume Parade on October 30th.
There are two categories for prizes this year.
1.) Creativeness
2.) Inventiveness
I will post more about all this next week with a shiny new button for you too!
~Natalie and I are planning a DoT's Winter Swap and will post about that at the end of this month.
Since there are no new members or spotlights this week I will leave you with some funny dog-cat pictures that my sister sent me to distract you for a few minutes from the weather. I hope everyone has a safe weekend not to ruff weekend!
Barked by
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dogs On Thursday Spotlight Diamond
Welcome to this weeks edition of Dogs On Thursday!
Our thoughts and concerns go out to those that are are in the path/wake of hurricane Gustuv and the 3 other tropical storm/hurricanes, Hanna, Ike and Joshpine that are on the tail of Gustuv.
If there is anything that you need, please email me or Natalie and Please give a shout out and let us know you and your furbabies are okay.
Please go and give a bark to welcome 4 new members this week!
2nd cup of coffee, Robyn, Daisy and Cheryl V.
Please go checkout Nichole's great review on Planet Dog products!
Then head over to newbie Cheryl V.'s blog she is signing up to help to learn how to help pets rescued from hurricane Gustuv and tells of ways we can all help animals in need.
Which, leads to this great Pet Plan Find from the National Hurricane Center.
Please go check out what to do for your pets before, during and after a hurricane or other big storm.
Most of you I am sure already have a great emergency preparedness plan but it is a great check list to just make sure.
Here are some links to resources for those affected by Hurricane Gustuv and Hanna.
Gustav Resources
Hanna Resources
I will keep this link updated and will add to it as needed and throughout the other hurricanes.
Also, if anyone has any extra snuggles, sheets, blankets, toys and treats that they want to donate to the pets (both dogs and cats) of the past and upcoming hurricanes please contact me or Natalie. We are going to send these items of need to the rescue shelters in the cities torn apart by these storms.
And, for those participating in the DoT Bloggerversary Contest, please email me with a picture of your creative endeavor and or a link to it. Then end date is September 15th.
Plus, Go check out Natalie's new fun blog!
Today's Doggie Spotlight is on Kenyetta's sweet, gentle giant, Diamond!
"I have always wanted a Rottweiler, I love their tan and black marking, so distinct. 2006 was a rough year for us, with me being in Nursing School and unable to work full time, money was very tight. My cousin told me that someone at her job was selling Rottweiler pups and when Cal agreed to go see them I was ecstatic and apprehensive. We already had one dog, Lucky a pit, and 2 kids to feed.
Once I saw all 10 of those wiggling playful pups I was in love. They all looked alike except some of them had white markings instead of tan. I just knew I had to have one, a female.

My youngest was in love! And on the ground after those pups knocked her down. Diamond became a member of our family.
But that first night! OMG! My little Diamond whined, begged then howled to be let out of the kennel. I was strong that night! And very sleepy, but the next night, I think I rocked her to sleep in my arms.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!
Barked by
Labels: diamond, doggie spotlight