Sorry for the late posting, I swore this morning was Wed. :)
Welcome to this week's Dog's on Thursday post! If you haven't joined are dog roll and would like to or if you have any questions or comments, please email me at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com.
This week I wanted to mention a couple fun doggie blogs that I follow. These first two are related and if you aren't already reading them they are just too cute!
The Daily Puppy and the Grown-Up Dogs is a site which posts a picture and snit bit about a puppy and a grown up dog every day. They have all kinds of breeds and different pups and also some that are adoptable. I love to see the cute puppy faces each day. You can also submit a picture and snit bit about your dog! They have also added forums and videos. So, go check them out!
The second site I've been following for a long time! The DogBlog is a blog about a San Francisco man who walks around and takes pictures of the dogs tied up outside on the street. It sounds weird but you would not believe how many dogs get tied to a pole while their owners run into the store. Go check out Jon's blog and see all the different pups that are hanging out waiting for their owners on the streets of San Fran.
Hope everyone is having a great week! Happy Dogs on Thursday!!
Please note:
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dogs on doggie blogs.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Dogs Win!

"Elise and I feel so honored that your want to post about us for the 100th post.
Wow! 100 posts! That is amazing to me since I started this little dog blog as an excuse to talk more about my lovable dog Elise. I had no Idea then, that it would grow as big as it it is now nor that I would meet so many genuinely kind and lovely people whose friendships I will cherish.
I just love that this group is continually growing and I love all the posts that I read each week.
Thank you so much ladies for doing such a wonderful job keeping this group alive and a fun place to visit each week!

Cyber hugs and basset hound dog drool to everyone!
Paula and Elise"
Thanks Paula and Elise, for bringing us all together on Thursdays!
Now, for the contest winners...

Carol and Charli
Dianne Wood
Nicki Jesky
Kenyetta Davis
Congrats, and stay tuned for your prizes. One of the moderators will be in touch soon...
Barked by
Labels: 100th Post Contest
Thursday, April 16, 2009
DOT is 100
Congratulations to all of us. Dogs On Thursday has hit
We need to thank Paula for getting this group started and Natalie for giving her great backup. It takes a lot of work to manage a weekly blog group and keep it up to date and interesting to it's readers. As you can see, the membership list keeps growing and some terrific friendships have started here.
Welcome our newest member Lisa and her beautiful dog Luna. Drop by and say hello.
Our Big 100 Contest is winding down. There's only a week left. Be sure to make your donation by April 20 and let Natalie know. Her address is gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com. We will be selecting the winners using a low tech, very appropriate technique which we will explain next week.
When we think about donating to a charity we usually think of writing a check, but there are other, less painful methods. Some people volunteer their time. That is probably the very best way to donate, both for the charity, in this case homeless animals, and for the volunteer. Unfortunately not everyone has extra time available.
There are other ways to make a difference. This is the season for spring cleaning. While you're going through closets, keep a box on the side for the shelter. You'd be surprised at the items you have around the house that would be useful to them.Did you recently buy the pooch a new collar? The shelter could use the old one. Do you have some towels left from before you repainted the bathroom? The shelter could use them. How about the blanket you had on your bed until the pup chewed the corner off? The shelter could use it. A lot of us shred old documents. The shelters need shredded paper for puppies and kittens cages. How about that new air freshener you bought, then found out it made you sneeze? The shelter could use it.
Many of the member of this group knit, crochet or sew. Cats and dogs love to have a blanket to arrange and nest in.
They aren't fussy and would appreciate the yarn you bought that seemed pretty in the store but when you got it home you couldn't imagine what made you buy it.
We all have some of those mistakes stuck in closets. A blanket doesn't have to be very big. Dogs and cats come in all sizes.
There is another way of contributing that takes a little planning, but involves one of my favorite activities, shopping.
There are websites like Stuffed Adoptions. You can purchase a cute little stuffed animal for your favorite child or for your collection. A portion of the proceeds goes to an animal shelter. Your purchase includes a gift card.
Most of us are aware of Etsy. It's a place for artists and craftspeople to sell their items online. Several of the DOT members have Etsy shops. There is a team within Etsy called EFA ( Etsy For Animals). The team members donate a percentage of the profits from their sales to animal charities. When we're looking for gifts for friends we can help an animal charity by purchasing from one of these shops.
Stacey is an EFA team member. She makes the most adorable sock dogs and donates 10% of the profits from them to The Humane Society of Greater Kansas City.
Mathilde & McKenzieRecently she started another line. Meet Bluebird, Piper and Munchkin.
They represent actual dogs waiting in shelters. Stacey is donating 100% of the profits from these little characters to the Mid America Bully Breed Rescue.
Bully breeds are in terrible trouble as more and more communities pass breed specific laws. As dog owners we all know that no breed is born bad. Bad owners make certain individual animals dangerous by abuse or neglect. They need our help.
When you're thinking about buying gifts for friends, family or yourself, be sure to look at EFA artists. Part of your money will go to help animals.
Donating can be fun and has great benefits, not only for the animals, but for us, too.
Barked by
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Hi everyone, its Nichole here again. Today we're going to talk a little bit about what's going on with the ASPCA, but first...
We have a new member this week! Please wag on over and welcome Deb.
Don't forget the Dogs on Thursday 100th post contest is in full swing! Many of you have already sent your links in to Natalie and your efforts are looking, keep them coming!
If you're looking for a wonderful organization to donate to, why not check out A Place to Bark's Annual Fundraiser. I know there's a few of us who have been following and supporting Bernie's adventures for a long time and can attest to this being a great cause. I personally have reset my ASPCA fundraising goals on my blog this week and if anyone plans to renew their membership or join, I'd love for you to consider doing it thru the fundraising banner at the top of my blog! I don't get any "credit" - just the satisfaction of helping them raise funds. Last year I completed my goal of $1000.
Now... onto the ASPCA, which is celebrating their 143rd birthday tomorrow! That's a long time to be dedicated to ending animal cruelty -- way to go ASPCA! On top of that, April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month and there is a lot going on!
~ Annual Go Orange photo contest. Check it out here and get your pooch in!
~ Spay/Neuter Block Party in the Heart of Harlem on Saturday, April 18th. Read about it here
~ Several local SPCA offices across the country are holding their own events and fundraisers - look yours up!
Go Orange... or whatever color you'd prefer this month, just do what you can to help animals in need! Also, don't forget to tune in to National Geographic's Dogtown on Friday nights! This week's episode info:

Friday, April 10, 2009 at 10 PM ET/PT
Rush, a shepherd mix airlifted from a Middle East war zone, is withdrawn and frightened of loud noises — a suspected canine case of post-traumatic stress. After being bitten by the dog, trainer John Garcia begins to work with Rush so that he can teach him to trust. Then, adoption specialist Kristi Litrell meets a rejected beagle named Jasmine who stumbles when she walks and can’t control her bladder. Kristi test-drives a possible solution — doggy diapers. And Scruffy, a terrier mix, managed to survive Hurricane Katrina but is now petrified of new situations, from walking through doorways and onto floor surfaces to getting into cars.
Barked by
Lapdog Creations
Labels: 100th Post Contest, aspca, Dog Town
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dogs on Thursday
Welcome to this week's DOT post!
Hope everyone is having a good week. My week has been a bit trying. Sorry for the late post but I didn't realize it was already Thursday. My blogless friend Kelly had to put her Golden, Treydog down this week and it's been a bit tough on me. Treydog was Jackjack's best friend and we will miss him greatly. Because I can't help it, here's the last picture I got to take of Treydog when he came over to hang out with the pups and my knitting group with his mom.
Also don't gorget to watch this week's Dogtown episode. They sent me a pre-release copy of the first four episodes and as usual they are all really great and touching.
Have a great week!
Gnat, Jackjack, and Abigail Grace
Barked by
Natalie Rush
Labels: 100th Post Contest, dog news