Hi everyone! Penny here. Since the last time we barked, I've been on a vacation! I took my very first out of state trip with my pack. Mom and Dad were nervous about how I'd behave, but of course, a Princess has to be on her best behavior at all times with her subjects, so naturally, I put my best paw forward!
We traveled by van from the Atlanta area (my home den) to Pigeon Forge, TN, where my parents and Grandma were checking out the outlets. My parents are very safety conscious, so they got my very own car seat for me to ride in. At first I wasn't quite sure about it, but it was quite comfy and I had my own view of the countryside.

We stayed in a pet friendly hotel. There weren't too many other pooches there, but I did make friends with a little Yorkie that was out for a walk at the same time I was. Did you know that there are a lot of hotels that are pet friendly? If you want to travel with your pack, get your folks to search on "pet friendly hotels" on the internet and they may be surprised at how many they'll find! Some charge an extra "cleaning fee" (as if I'm dirty! I got a day at the spa before I traveled), and most require that you sleep in your crate if your parents leave you in the room by yourself. My folks don't do that -- they got take out food and brought it back for all of us to share. Mmmm. Steak!
We did our fair share of shopping at the outlets. Most of the stores were very nice and allowed me to come in either carried safely in Dad's arms or in my stroller. My folks didn't ask to bring me in anywhere that served food -- evidently some folks are funny about that, and some entity called the "health department" gets really tense. I got a lot of attention!!
The whole shopping experience was exhausting.

Yeah, that's me... sacked out in the stroller. Being a Princess is hard work!
But you know what followed us to Pigeon Forge? Thunder!!! That's right! I couldn't believe it. It never did show its face, either. I had to bark at it again to chase it off. Coward.
So we had a good trip. I didn't bark too much at the hotel (except at the cowardly thunder), so Mom & Dad say we're taking another trip this summer. More people to adore me!!!
Everyone have a good month. I'll bark at you next time!