Please note:

We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Official...

Headlines today in our local paper read...

"Labrador Retriever named most popular dog in U.S."
...for the twentieth year in a row!
Second place goes to the German Shepard, Yorkshire Terry is third, Beagle is fourth and the Golden Retriever is ranked fifth. Congratulations to all those breeds!

However HoneyDew and Sampson feel there just may be a conspiracy going on due to press publication, and at the very least we all should just take turns! ;-)

I mean really how cute is this...

Happy DOT's!


Ally Jay said...

Funny how it's all the big dogs. I love my little ones, just fine. It's a very cute picture.

Pat said...

Hi, Tina! Glad you dropped by.

This is an ADORABLE photo!!!

I'll try to visit more often!

Janet said...

Soooo adorable!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Awww! and I think there must be a tie for best dog breed..ALL OF THEM!

Rose said...

Hey.....let's not forget the other one... Mixed Breed!!