Please note:

We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wow, where did everyone go?

Sorry for the long hiatus! Life happens. And around here lots of life has been happening! HoneyDew, Sampson and I have missed you all and hope to catch up on all of your happenings real soon. We will be posting some spotlights on new pups who have found their forever homes, memorable milestones, and some rememberances soon.

I leave you with a cute pic from one of my favorite sites

cute puppy pictures - Just Like A Bridge Over Bubbled Water
see more dog and puppy pictures

Happy DOT's,
Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!


Susan said...

I'm back!! Haven't posted yet today, but I've been a good DOT poster for the past few weeks.

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

hahahahaa! Cute!

Vivian said...

Hey I'm still around! just not posting much :-(
Yesterday was one year anniversary of Trinket's passing. I reposted his video on my blog today. We miss the little guy very much.