Please note:

We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dogs On Thursday On Saturday

So Sorry this is such a late post and a vanilla shortie too since I am leaving a few min. to go to the airport I don't have much time.
We had some pretty weird storms and knocked our power out for a bit and I was unable to post until everything seems back to normal.
I will be gone traveling through the UK until May 30th.
Natalie is back from her awesome trip, go see her pictures!
It has been a quiet week here at Dogs On Thursday.
There are no new members to announce, or doggie spotlights to do.
The only bit of news about the need for some more snuggles from a shelter in MO.
where the storms hit pretty badly.
So I am leaving the DoT snuggle blog open for those that want to make more snuggles for the MO. folks and any other shelters still in need of snuggles.
I will do another drawing for a prize at the end of July for all those that completed a snuggle and sent it off to a shelter in need.
I will post more details when I get back.
Have a wonderful rest of May!
See you all in June.

Even though this is super late, if anyone posted on Thursday go ahead and sign in to Mr. Linky below.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Sometimes things happen. No biggy. Have a great trip to the UK and we'll play with nicely with Natalie;-)