"Chasing your tail gets you nowhere ... 'cept back to where you started..."
Happy Birthday Dogs On Thursday!
We made it a whole year!
(this is not a picture of Elise but of another very cute basset from the front of a birthday card I got years ago.)
Dogs on Thursday started a year ago this week because I wanted to give my dog a little more attention on my blog.
Then that idea grew into this wonderful place of dog lovers!
Here is a link to the very first post.
(I can't believe how much we have grown since that first month. )
We have been truly blessed and inspired by knowing each of you. Thank You!
To celebrate we are having a Bloggerversary contest starting today July 10th and ending on September 10th.
And there will be prizes!!!
So here we go:
Create a Representation of Your Dog(s)!
This can be achieved in any creative form, such as painting, drawing, quilt, poem, knitting, crochet, sculpture, etc... The ideas are endless and so use your imagination to your wildest extent!
There will be two categories for prizes.
Category A: A representation using Fiber (ie, fabric, yarn, unspun wool, cotton, yarn/fabric dyeing, etc...
Category B: A representation not using Fiber (ie, painting, drawing, writing, clay, wood, metal, etc..)
So put your creative thinking caps on and have some fun with this idea this summer!
Welcome to our newest members this week: Sue: Go meet her and her pack and say hello!
For those participating in the Dog Days Of Summer Secret Swap I sent out matches yesterday.

If you did not receive yours or have questions about your swap pal, please email me.
Don't forget to review the rules
This is a secret swap so the reveal will be at the end when you send your packages which should be in the mail no later than August 21st.
If you are running late or have trouble sending your package(as these things happen as life often gets in the way.) please email me or Natalie.
Also, if anyone is able to be available as an
Angel for this swap
please let us know.
Now on to the Doggie Spotlight of
Mary and Lady's Coco:
"Angel in Disguise!

It was May 13 that found Mike & I looking at puppies. I couldn’t take no more of the quietness and Lady being so depressed, so we found ourselves picking 1 out of 8 adorable pups and oh what a cute and stinky mess she was. This was her first picture right after we got home.

She did get a bath right afterwards as she just reeked, but she’s so fluffy and cute even dirty, you just want to squeeze the little teddy bear. We named her Coco. She is a Chow about 6-9 weeks in that photo and just so adorably fluffy, a bundle of energy and a tail that just makes you smile the speed it goes. Of course Lady had to check out the new little fluff ball that was now in her presence.

Lady has made a great big sister.
Coco’s first vet visit was May 15th and she did fairly well for not liking to be picked up. Wound up taking both dogs as Lady needed shots too. Man, was she wild (think from past few months experiences), but think it all worked out as she got to sniff around the office so on the way home she was a lot better, plus Coco came back out with us J Coco weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz. and the vet figures its safe to say her birthday would be March 15th. After getting home Coco found her sleeping spot and went to dreamland. Guess the shots wiped her out.

It’s here or by the water bowl she always naps.
Now a month and a half later, Coco and Lady are just, well perfect together. They play, they tug a war with toys and hard rawhide treats. You’d think they’d been together for years. Coco was the perfect pick and Lady has taken to her so well. It just amazes us how well they get along even though Coco bites Lady all the time and winds up with fur in her mouth…lol, but Lady has just been so great with her. It’s been great to see Lady playing and running around again and I can finally add eating again. They sometimes sleep together and we’ve gotten lucky to get pics of them together.

We are finding out that Coco either doesn’t like cats or wants to know what it is as she is always barking at Dyna and watching for her.

Like Lady, Coco didn’t take an interest in playing in the pool or with the hose this past weekend. This was Lady

(don’t think she likes water, do ya?)
And this is where we found Coco

Coco definitely wanted back in the house, lol.
Let just say, I know now this was the best thing Mike & I did for not just Lady, but for Me too. She’s a blessing- An Angel puppy in Disguise for us. We just haven’t been the same with Coco here now.
I’ll leave you with my favorite picture of the two.

Lady was asleep until she felt Coco, but she stayed. Have a feeling their will be many more of the two together as they do this quite often.
Thank you all again, you’ve all been great with all of your support. I do believe it’s safe to say we are doing great now! Happy Doggie’s day to you all!"