Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope that all the homes will be filled with peace and thanksgiving to all.
Here are some great holiday tips for dogs and their people:
Thanksgiving tips
Have a fun, food filled and safe day!
Please note:
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Woofgiving
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dogs On Thursday: Spotlight on Thor
~Roger Caras
For those of you participating in the DoT Dogs Ornament Swap, I have already emailed you your swap pals. If you have not received your swap pal please email me.
This was to be a secret swap and everyone has someone different this year, although I wasn't very clear on this and I apologise. So a semi secret swap is okay.
If you already know who you have or who has you, just sport a case of sudden amnesia when you package comes to you from your pal.
Here is a recap of some important swap rules:
This Swap will end on Dec. 29th
Rules: Make, Create or Purchase a special ornament for your swap pal dog or dogs family and include a favorite special treat for that dog(and their doggie brothers and sisters if you get a multi dog family, usually a bag/box of treats is plenty.)
Use your imagination and have fun.
Please don't forget to mail your package to your pal no later than Dec. 20th.
(because life happens and there are many detoured plans so if you are running late please email or your pal to let her know...and if you need help also don't hesitate to email me.)
Go Check out Nichole's blog today for a review of L.L. Beans/Planet Dogs Naughty and Nice Dogs Hoiliday Tote.
We have a Doggie Spotlight today!
Meet Thor who owns Marjie and her family:Thor was born May 5, 2001. Weighing in under 3 pounds, he's now about 100 times that weight! Thor was one baby from 2 litters born days apart totalling 25 pups, so he certainly felt right at home in the household of 9 two-legged puppies which he joined at 7 weeks.
Thor's people include 6 human brothers and 3 human sisters. He's also been known to round up the odd cat who wanders through the yard, because all dogs know cats really just want to play with dogs. He also plays with the guinea pigs, although those critters are so small that they can confuse a guy.
Thor doesn't go upstairs, nor does he sit on the furniture, although he has been known to sit on some of his people on the furniture, upon occasion (just so Mom doesn't catch him!).
Thor's brothers sometimes bring him home dinosaur femurs, which have to be sawn in half so Thor can trot around with them.He has a lobster, who recently had open heart and claw surgery.
But a guy with big teeth sometimes does damage he doesn't know about!Thor also has a rope to play "Pull!" with (he has pulled apart the previous 3 ropes). Mostly, Thor likes to sit in the middle of his people, or romp in the yard with his boys.
For Thor's 7th birthday, he had applesauce cake with meringue topping. Hooray! Finally, a guy gets the recognition he deserves, and gets dessert!Some people refer to English Mastiffs as "gentle giants", and in the case of ours, the title certainly fits!
Happy Dogs on Thursday!
Edit: For some reason beyond my comprehension Mr. Linky is having linking problems and some names (includinging mine) had to be reentered as they were lost in cyber space. So if you see you name moving around the link list that is why. I will try and keep an eye on it today.
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Labels: doggie spotlight, dogs holiday ornament swap, thor
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Dogs On Thursday
~Thom Jones
Please Welcome out newest member DK and go over and visit her blog today and give a warm Hello!
I am slowly doing maintenance on the blog all this month so if you haven't already please check for your name on the blogroll and then click on it to make sure it goes to the right blogsite.
If you would like me to change your blogroll name and/or site please email me.
We are doing the "Winter Ornament Swap" again this year!
So far it looks like it is going to be a good turnout but there is still time to send me your questionnaire and we really do need a few more players.

Sign ups will continue to run until November 15th at midnight then I will do the matching and email you your swap pal information by November 18th.
This Swap will end on Dec. 29th
Rules: Make, Create or Purchase a special ornament for your swap pal dog or dogs family and include a favorite special treat for that dog(and their doggie brothers and sisters if you get a multi dog family.)
Use your imagination and have fun. Please mail your package to your pal by Dec. 20th.
I am not putting a price on this simple swap because it is the season and I know that each of you will exhibit much kindness to each other in being creative in your swap and I don't want to inhibit your ideas with a price.
Here is a the questionnaire:
1.)How many dogs have you?
2.)What is/are your Dogs name?
3.)What Winter holiday you celebrate?
4.)Do you or your dog(s) have any allergies?
5.)What is your snail mail address?
6.)What is your Email address?
7.)What is/are your Dogs favorite treats/kind of toys?
8.)Anything else you would like to share about your dog(s)
9.)What are your favorite colors?
make your gift more special.
If you want to play, please email your completed questionnaire to me by midnight Saturday, November 15th.

With winter breathing upon us her are some winter paw care tips.
And additional tip from Tina S: Instead of using rock salt or de-icer on your walkways, steps or porch, especially the ones your pets use, try clay kitty litter. It provides the traction without drying out or cracking your pets feet!
Have a fun and weekend everyone!
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Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dogs on Thursday
Wow it is November already! Where did October go? or September for that matter.
Please welcome out newest members Bibi from Belgrade, Janet who lives with Corgi's, and Soulbrush from London.
Go over to their blogs today and howl out a nice welcome to them!
Please everyone check for your name on the blogroll and click on it. Is it the right name and does your link go to the right blog?
If it is the wrong name, blog or you want a different name or blog on the blogroll please let me or Natalie know and one of us will fix it right away.
Please check out Cheryl's blog today she has some good news about Greyhounds in her state.
New Swap:
We are going to have a "Winter Ornament Swap" again this year! This is the swap button that Natalie made us last year I love it so we are going to use it again this year and may have more by next week and/or one after that.
Sign ups are now and will run until November 15th when I will email you your swap pal information. This Swap will end Dec. 29th
Rules: Make, Create or Purchase a special ornament for your swap pal dog or dogs family and include a favorite special treat for that dog(and their doggie brothers and sisters if you get a multi dog family.)
Use your imagination and have fun. Please mail your package to your pal by Dec. 20th.
I am not putting a price on this simple swap because it is the season and I know that each of you will exhibit much kindness to each other in being creative in your swap and I don't want to inhibit your ideas with a price.
Here is a the questionnaire:
1.)How many dogs have you?
2.)What is/are your Dogs name?
3.)What Winter holiday you celebrate?
4.)Do you or your dog(s) have any allergies?
5.)What is your snail mail address?
6.)What is your Email address?
7.)What is/are your Dogs favorite treats/kind of toys?
8.)Anything else you would like to share about your dog(s)
9.)What are your favorite colors?
make your gift more special.
If you want to play, please email your completed questionnaire to me by November 15th.
Last week we had the Dogs Costume Contest!
The Winners Are:
Tina's Witch Maizey and Vampire Einstein
And...Laura's Rudi The Little Pirate Dog!(Ladies please email your address so that I may get your prizes out to you on Friday the 15th.)
Last week there were so many very cute extra add-ons of adorable dogs showing their fun for the festivities that I am going to do a re-run so you can see all the dogs that you may have missed.
Click on the picture for each dogs home/humans blog.
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