... Contest!
But first, let's congratulate Yvonne on her new blog. Please don't forget to let us know if you move so we can update our links.
But first, let's congratulate Yvonne on her new blog. Please don't forget to let us know if you move so we can update our links.
Also, Nichole has a review up on some NuHemp products your dogs might enjoy.

Here are the rules:
- Donate to your favorite pet cause and document said donation somehow on your blog, then email Natalie with a link to your post. (See the top right side bar for her email address.)
- ANY donation qualifies. Time, money, food, snuggles... whatever you want to give and your charity will accept.
- Donations AND blog posts must be made before midnight on April 20th so we can announce the winners in the 100th post.
- Four winners will be randomly selected. Since we're a diverse group, prizes will be selected for each winner. (Non-knitters don't want yarn, for example.) We have a really cute plan for selecting the winners, but you'll just have to come back to see what that is!
- Any questions? Contact one of the moderators - Natalie, Nichole, Sue or Chan.
Let's make this fun! Get creative when you document your donations. We want to make sure dogs all over know about Dogs on Thursday and the good people involved in it.
Happy Dogs on Thursday to you!
Contest sounds like pure fun! Thanks for the plug for my new blog.
Where's the Mr. Linky today?
I'm excited about the contest! Going to send Natalie and email right now.
Mr. Linky didn't show up again today, not sure if its a glitch or our new software at work..lucky to get here anymore..lol
Sounds like a fun contest!
Happy DoT to everyone!
Get your "doggy" on folks... we hope that everyone can get in on the contest! :)
Fun a contest! Great posts you guys...love reading them!
This sounds like fun :>)
yipppeeee an april bit of fun, see ya there. hugs to all my dot friends.
Hi I decided to join in on your Dog Thursday, I have 4 dogs
Now that sounds like a challenge! Hopefully I won't forget it! :-)
Thanks for spreading the word on pet toxicities on your blog (under "DOG SAFETY" - so important for pet owners to be aware of the lurking household poisons in (and outside of) their house! As an ER specialist, I see so many toxicities that owners bring in too late (making it more expensive to treat, with a worse prognosis!). When in doubt, it's so important to call a Poison Control for peace of mind!
I wanted to make you aware of another important resource out there also - Pet Poison Helpline is an additional Animal Poison Control Center, and it's one of the most cost-effective animal poison ($35/case vs. ASPCA's new $60/case) controls out there nowadays. Unfortunately, because animal poison controls are not federal- or state-funded, there is a fee to allow the service to be run 24-7. We provide a similar service, but have the added benefit of veterinary specialists (in internal medicine and emergency and critical care) as part of our staff. You can always call 1-800-213-6680 if you ever have a problem. Thanks for spreading the word!
Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC
Associate Director of Veterinary Services
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