Please note:

We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dogs on Thursday!!

Hello everyone!! Welcome to this weeks Dogs on Thursday. Paula is out of town so I'll be covering for the next two weeks. Let's all wish Paula a great trip. I just got back from another one of my trips so I haven't had much time to get a post together. We'll get back into the swing of things soon....stick with us.

Well, for this week's blog post I wanted to share a news story from a neat site. I recently started reading and I found this cute article about the largest and smallest dogs in the world. I figured I'd share the link this week.

And I'll leave you with a little funny.

If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater . . . suggest that he wear a tail.

Fran Lebowitz (b. 1951), U.S. journalist. Social Studies, "Pointers for Pets" (1981).


vegasangelbrat said...

Well how about that, I FINALLY figured out how to work Mr Linky...LOL
Hope Paula is having fun on her trip and Welcome back Natalie!!

Linda said...

Congratulations vegasangelbrat, they are great aren't they?

Ally Jay said...

Great link. I got the cutest pups this week.

Megan B said...

I just joined, glad to find out about you guys. New dog owner, but a lifetime dog lover!