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We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.
We are in the home stretch now, as the first day of spring is only 16 days away! We are excited even though you know what comes with spring...MUD!

To celebrate the season I thought it might be fun to have a photo "parade" of the muddiest pictures you may have of your pup(s).
To participate, just email your pictures to me at thegardner63ataoldotcom by March 17th and the parade will be posted on March 18th.
Happy DOT's!

Tina, HoneyDew and Sampson too!
That will be a post to see!! Not sure if I'll be able to participate as it all depends on how fast the snow melts here. But will grab a pic if I can when it gets to that point! Great idea!!
What a GREAT idea!!!
Should 've known that last week when Izzy got into the cow-doo big time. She would not come to me! just stand and look at me then run off with that silly grin on her face. 2 whole hours before she let me near her. Shoulda had my camera then. No, not going to let her go again just to be in the parade! LOL
Those are going to be some great pics - I can already tell. I gotta get my hounds muddied up and quick-like!
Thor does not like the mud, so he won't be in the parade. But it will be fun to see!
That sounds like fun. I'll dig out the pics from last spring.
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