Please note:

We hope that you enjoy the DOT posts and the different views from everyone included. We promise lots of cute pictures, laughter, maybe a tear or two, and some information. Please note that the views and opinions expressed here are each author's own and do not necessarily represent DOT as a whole.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years to all the DOTs!!

Hello! I almost forgot that today was the 5th Thursday and it's my week again! :) Hope everyone has had a wonderful Holiday season! Hope all your pups were safe during the Christmas break and that they are enjoying the extra time with you!

For anyone who has contacted me and has not received a response or a public welcome, please contact me again at gnatchat(at)gmail(dot)com. I've been away and I just feel there maybe some emails I missed.

Here are recent pictures of my pups...and we wish you a Happy and Safe New Year!


Rose said...

The two on the couch sure look comfy!! :-) Happy and healthy New Year to you all!

i said...

Happy New Year!